Capricorn Daily Forecast

Are you ready for an experiment today? Share your thoughts with the person who intrigues you most and see how they react to what you have to say. Total honesty is required if you want to do this right, so don’t be afraid to fully disclose how you’re feeling about them. If you’re ready to trust them with your heart, you have to start trusting them with your feelings. The sooner you do it, the sooner you’ll know what’s next for the two of you.
Have a sweet, lazy day if possible. Enjoy a leisurely meal, catch up with people who live far away, and just lie on the couch and daydream for a while. You need to relax and recharge your emotional batteries.
It’s acceptable to take a day now and again to do nothing. Sleep in, ask for breakfast in bed, and pour yourself into a warm bath while your partner does the dishes.
Your vision of the future is suddenly blank, because it feels like the future is already here. You could still put a lot more into the picture. Financial security is only one thing missing. Get painting.