Sagittarius Daily Forecast

You should get a gold medal in the diplomatic Olympics, and with hardly any real work on your part too. The Universe has amplified your already significant charisma, and it’s attracting the right kind of attention. Wherever you go, people stop to gawk. If you’ve been desiring greater influence at work or somewhere else, now is the time to go for it.
Don’t forget to nurture existing relationships. Now’s a great time to check in with your family and friends. Romance is important, but the other ties that bind also need your careful attention and undying love.
Sure, the two of you deserve matching luggage, but might that money be better spent on the trip itself? Organize your priorities now. Do it together and get specific.
Being able to change opinions is crucial, but bouncing from one strategy to another is a sure sign that you’re out of real ideas. On the plus side, it’s a good time for some deep reflection. You’ll come out with a brand new point of view.