Daily Forecast Capricorn 11-12


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

There is a lot of potential for hot romance right now, but you should go against expectations and just let things cool off a bit. Put this cutie on the back burner and just keep them simmering for a while. You will be quite pleased with the results. Keeping a person waiting can be a great way to remind them that you’re worth waiting for. This will be an entertaining day full of many victories and a renewed sense of confidence. You’re ready for a bigger challenge.

Singles Lovescope

Connect with your people by any means necessary. Now is a great time to hook up with old friends who can get you in touch with a whole new group of potential love interests.

Couple Lovescope

Pay attention to your artistic side. A person can’t live on work and TV alone, you know. What is it that you like to do that lets you express who you are? Why not explore your options? Your love life will benefit, too.


It’s easy to put a positive spin on your life right now, if you don’t mind putting all selfishness on hold for later. You’re being given a chance to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Future self-indulgence will be that much sweeter for it.



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