Daily Forecast Sagittarius 11-12


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone interesting, no, absolutely fascinating, is right around the corner and just dying to meet you. You, of course, are always game for fresh and different folks, especially those who have brains. So when this new person arrives, you’ll probably want to clear your schedule and make sure you’ve got time to spend with them. Oh, and don’t be surprised if this thing goes on well into the weekend too.

Singles Lovescope

If they say, “I’m really sorry, but I have to cancel our plans to go to karate for beginners,” and you hear “I don’t ever want to see you again,” take a step back. Then calm down!

Couple Lovescope

Look for creative ways to express your feelings toward your loved one today. If you always talk on the phone, try giving them a handwritten message instead. A note from you can brighten their whole day.


You’re open to the opinions of others, but no one can tell that just by looking at you. Your face is about as approachable as a stone. Let others get in and you’ll not only learn something new, you’ll end up feeling radically changed.



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