Daily Forecast Capricorn 11-16


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This day is loaded with intensity for you. Every time you make eye contact with someone, you’ll feel a strong, meaningful subtext at work. Are they trying to tell you something? It’s important not to let your imagination run away with you, because you’re likely to see clues where none exist. And if you go looking for the hidden meaning behind every one of them, you’ll end up getting very confused. Enjoy the depth of your connections today, but try to take them at face value.

Singles Lovescope

It’s easy as pie for you to charm others now, but that doesn’t mean they’re sweet as pie. Don’t go by your first (or even second) impression. Wait until they prove their worth.

Couple Lovescope

Your instincts say one thing, but your partner (and possibly the rest of the world) says another. What do you do? Trust yourself, first of all. Usually, when you don’t follow your inner voice, you end up regretting it.


Don’t fall back on your old, bad habits. Overspending is tempting but you’d be entering treacherous territory if you do. Keep your wallet home today, and let someone else pump up the economy.



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