Capricorn Daily Forecast

Check in with one of your more introverted friends today. As shy as you think they are, they have been doing some very exciting things with their life lately, and you should know about them. Things are rapidly changing in their life, and you could gain a lot of inspiration from the fascinating experiences they have to share. Sure, it might take some coaxing to get them to come out of their shell, but once you do, you’ll be glad you put in the effort.
You know you’re flirting. Your friends know you’re flirting. The question is, does the object of your (mild) affection know that you’re flirting? Your charm is more potent than you think, so deploy it carefully!
Your loved one may seem a little off today, but you’re not sure what’s going on. Before you start to worry, get all the facts. It might be something simple that has nothing to do with you.
If you wanted to plan a romantic dinner at an unusual restaurant, you would certainly read a few reviews. The amount of investment you’re considering today requires no less due diligence. Don’t leave it to soul searching.