Daily Forecast Gemini 02-22


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You pride yourself on your ability to say an awful lot in a very short amount of airtime. So when you wake up in the middle of an especially long diatribe — and catch yourself wondering who could have been rambling on for so very long — don’t panic that it was you. This extreme chattiness is only a temporary affliction. Besides, isn’t it worth it to see the look on the faces of your friends? Sure it is.

Singles Lovescope

Family, friends, errands, chores. The day is too short for everything you want to get done. Make sure you’re open to new romantic opportunities while you’re out and about. Your energy can make it happen!

Couple Lovescope

Social events might be more draining than entertaining for you two right now. You want more heartfelt and in-depth engagement. Intimate dinners, one-on-one time and deep talks are right up your alley.


You’re the type who’s never in a hurry, and that’s not your best quality. Your retirement isn’t exactly looming, but it makes sense to pretend that it is. Put some urgency into your need for future security. You don’t have to rush out and buy a retirement home just yet, but do start looking into your savings options.


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