Daily Forecast Gemini 03-04


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You may be feeling extra sensitive to criticism right now, so if you need a place to feel safe and completely accepted for who you are, turn to your family for the comfort you need. And if you can’t physically be in the same room with them, just make a short phone call to see how they are doing. They are always ready to tell you what you need to hear in times like these, and can help you see the positive value in any negative words you have been hearing.

Singles Lovescope

It’s tempting to put your hand back in the fire right now — and that temptation will reveal itself in the form of a late-night call from your ex. That means only one thing: booty call. Can your self-respect handle it? No. It can’t. You’ll get burned, for sure.

Couple Lovescope

Well, aren’t you just climbing right up to the top of your own personal Himalayan mountain today! You are overcoming something, and both of you will be stronger for it.


You’re still covered in last night’s dust. Do what you have to, to shake it off. You won’t be able to focus on making money if you still consider it a good day to spend on yourself.


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