Gemini Daily Forecast
You’re in for quite a surprise when you reenter a situation that you’re expecting to be the same as it was in the past. There will be some new energy present in the form of people you’ve never met. At first glance, these folks might intimidate you with their buttoned-up or highly polished exterior. But give yourself time to adjust. Be friendly and you could discover a kindred spirit or two. After all, strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet.
You’re great at making difficult choices, and that’s a good thing, especially in matters of the heart. To make this decision easier, go into analysis mode. Your head’s got something to say about it too.
Power struggles aren’t all that attractive in a relationship, so try not to involve yourself in one today just because you’re in that sort of mood. You’ll feel better on a level playing field anyway.
Don’t let your worries turn into friction. Do something physical to work out the stress. If you have to be all hot and bothered, it might as well be over something healthy, like a sport.