Daily Forecast Gemini 04-04


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This is a good day to have some fun. If there aren’t any real business problems plaguing you and your schedule is wide open, get in touch with someone you’ve been missing and see if they’ve got time to talk. And if they don’t, find out how you can help them do their business. Joining them on their errands, helping them cram for a test, or giving them moral support through a challenge are all great ways to reconnect and make yourself feel the like good friend you are.

Singles Lovescope

Stop letting things slide. Some things need tending to. Whether it’s a teeth cleaning, painting a room, or washing your car, do something positive. You’ll walk a little taller knowing you did.

Couple Lovescope

Expect to feel loved and you’ll be rewarded generously. Don’t cave in to the lure of cynicism; ignore the dark clouds and focus on your own private silver lining.


You crave the comforts of home, even when you’re, uh, home. That’s because you aren’t living in harmony. It’s not a matter of feng shui, either. This is one issue that money can’t correct so don’t waste it trying. Look inward.



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