Gemini Daily Forecast

After cheering on the underdog for so long, you’re delighted that they’re starting to be a top dog. The fact that they aren’t returning your phone calls as often as they used to might make you nervous. Have they forgotten that you were the one who supported them all that time? No, they haven’t forgotten! Have faith in them. You were there for them when they needed you, and they’ll be there for you. They’re just busy right now and have things going on that don’t concern you. Be patient.
Look past the surface of the people you meet. Does that business type have a zany side you don’t notice right away? Is the rock star also a fan of classic literature? You can’t know who a person really is right away.
Your honey is likely to be especially receptive to trying new things right now, so take advantage of it! Now’s the time to bring up the ideas you thought were too crazy to mention. You might be pleasantly surprised by the reaction you get!
Your energy and stamina are flagging and at just the right moment. You’re almost at the finish line, but you have enough inertia to coast over it. All in all, the good results are enough to give you that final push.