Gemini Daily Forecast

As per usual, you’ve got a definite plan in mind, and a definite goal. You’ll be especially focused on turning this idea into reality, and you’ll be convinced that it can actually happen, mostly because you’ve been working so hard to be up front and honest about it. So when someone comes to you and asks if you’re ready, if you’re not, you’ll stare them straight in the eye and just say no, which is what you should do. Take your time. This can work.
Opposites attract, but you want someone as strong-willed (and hot) as you are. It’s the little things that make for heightened interest, but if they’re too different, you may want to keep on looking.
You love nothing more than the whole truth and nothing but. However, while honesty is usually the best policy, being up front might cause more problems than it’s worth, especially regarding your partner.
You’d love nothing more than to spend the day alone, lost in your own imaginary world. Unfortunately, you don’t have that luxury. That’s okay because your daydreams can wait; your wallet can’t.