Taurus Daily Forecast

Have you been losing perspective when it comes to the most important people in your life? Sure, your boss deserves a lot of your respect, but are you giving them too much? Your family deserves more of your energy right now, so put them first on your priority list. They’re the ones who truly love you and have your best interests are heart. Try to take some time off, even if it’s just an hour or two. Remind yourself about what is really important and make a necessary correction in your perspective.
You and this person really clicked, so why didn’t it go anywhere? Just shrug this one off to timing and have faith that it didn’t work out for a reason. And don’t let yourself get obsessive about it.
You will find resolution to a situation that has been unclear. Your loved one doesn’t always give out of a lot of information, but you’ll learn enough today to piece it all together.
Whatever plans you set in stone today will only go wrong. Keep your options open. Your approach may change from one moment to the next, so don’t count on anything staying as it is.