Gemini Daily Forecast

Feeling like you’ve been so happy lately that you’d better buckle down and get some work done? Well, don’t. Everyone who knows you is happy for you and hoping that you’ll give yourself a break before you burden yourself with responsibilities of any kind again. Enjoy this break. You’ve earned it in more ways than one.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that certain cutie could read your mind? They can’t, but you’re so intuitive right now that you’re almost able to read theirs. You’ll be amazed by all you can instinctively sense about this person.
It may be tough to communicate how you’re feeling, especially when you just want to dictate what’s going to happen to your partner. Remember that this is a partnership. You’re both in this together.
No matter how much you start the day wishing you were somewhere else, at about midway through the day, you’ll be glad you’re home and nowhere but. Home and hearth are but two of the things you have to be thankful for.