Taurus Daily Forecast

Are you still thinking that your special someone is right around the corner? They probably are now, so don’t start wondering whether your instincts are malfunctioning. You just need to put yourself in the right place at the right time, so find the place where kindred spirits gather. Only you know where that might be, but it’s probably not a bar. Go for intelligent, educated, and interesting.
Even if you don’t agree, consider the new point of view. It can be enlightening — and the disagreement could prove much more fascinating than like-mindedness. Ask them why instead of telling them why not.
Something you thought you had all worked out may seem like less of a sure thing. Don’t confront your partner right away. Wait until things become a little clearer, then find out what you need to know.
The only thing standing between you and financial success is your bad attitude. Thinking that everything is beneath you is no way to move up the ladder. Embrace even the most mundane of tasks today.