Gemini Daily Forecast
You must keep your eye on the ball today. Try to ignore the boisterous, loving crowd that’s cheering you on. All the positive attention feels good, but you can’t let it make you arrogant. Right now you have to stay hungry and alert! Even though you might want to walk among your fans and sign autographs, it’s not the time to do that yet. Wait until you knock the ball out of the park (and don’t worry, you will)!
You’re likely to go a little overboard when it comes to your love life today. Watch for it, and if you take things too seriously, a close friend can help with a reality check.
Getting along with others may prove harder than you expected. Your sweetie has a few ideas why this might be the case, but it’s up to you to make things right.
Persistence pays off, but you can try something new on the side. It’s not admitting defeat as much as it is expanding your safety net. Start putting out some feelers.