Gemini Daily Forecast
If people are looking to you for inspiration right now, that’s fine. Inspire away! But if they’re looking for you to dig in and do some of the work that they should be doing, find a polite, convenient excuse to say no and move on. You’re not meant to do work that someone else could take credit for. Plus, this isn’t the time for you to take big action. You can do more later, but right now is a time to relax and let things take their course.
Someone really cute likes you but can’t say so yet. Your ever-so-sensible side says, “How juvenile!” Secretly, though, you’re thrilled and you want to know who it is. Be patient. All will be revealed.
If you think whispering something very quietly to yourself while you’re alone in the kitchen is communicating with your partner, you could be in for a surprise. Speak up. When they’re in the room!
It’s the perfect quality for focusing on funds, but for any other reason, it’s the wrong time of year to be feeling shy. Practice peeling yourself away from the numbers to socialize. Better late than never.