Daily Forecast Leo 01-14


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone is going to find you quite attractive today, although unfortunately, they might not be someone you find very attractive in return. Learn how to take a compliment and move on! There is no need to chat someone up if you have no genuine interest in them. In fact, it’s not very nice. Leading someone on even if you’re just trying not to hurt their feelings isn’t the right way to handle it. When someone says something nice, thank them. That’s the extent of your responsibility.

Singles Lovescope

If you’ve kissed, don’t tell. It’s one of those days when keeping your secrets to yourself is a great idea, especially if you’re having a covert fling with someone. Now’s not the time to put this info in the public domain.

Couple Lovescope

Sometimes your partner is an enigma. At other times they have so much going on you can’t (and don’t want to) keep up. Concentrate on what you need and feel. Once you can create your own happiness, your relationship improves.


Don’t even dream of signing on the dotted line. That would be way too premature. You have a lot of work to do before you get to that fantasy state. Spend the day on due diligence.


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