Daily Forecast Leo 03-01


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You can ensure a positive outcome on a project you’re working on if you stop putting out negative energy! Instead of focusing on the looming deadline or the obstacles still to overcome, focus on the progress you’ve made and the wonderful feeling you’ll have when it’s all done! Putting a positive spin on things and seeing the bright side isn’t as difficult as you think. You can choose to be happy right now, so why don’t you? Pretend your woes don’t exist and, for a while, they won’t.

Singles Lovescope

Working on home projects and just getting organized is a great way to spend the day, especially since busy hands let your heart and soul ponder things in a positive way. Sort it all out, at home and inside.

Couple Lovescope

Your positive energy will move you to spend more time with your partner. Even if they have things to do, they’ll drop everything to do your bidding!


Try as you might, you just can’t focus your thoughts for long today. That’s fine, because there’s nothing pressing you need to philosophize over. Give yourself the day off, officially and unofficially.


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