Daily Forecast Leo 04-22


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re feeling wonderful. You’re exhilarated, excited, and anxious for all new things to happen. Here’s a news flash: just thinking about change the way you are means it’s already started. Everything begins as a thought, an idea, right? So now your only job is to get the show on the road with some action. Map out a battle plan on paper and get started.

Singles Lovescope

Flexibility is key. Just when you think you’ve planned everything to the smallest detail, it all falls apart. And it’s totally out of your control. Now is a great time to have a backup plan.

Couple Lovescope

You can be remarkably productive right now, and it can leave you feeling fantastic. Plan to cap the day with some serious R and R with your fabulous someone.


You are tired, and you have every reason to be. Not only are the obvious money matters wearing you down, but subliminal baggage is getting heavier and heavier. Don’t try and fight it. Spend the day in bed.



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