Leo Daily Forecast

There you go again, doing more and more. Multitasking was made for always-on-the-go types like yourself. You’re someone who believes firmly that virtue is its own reward. Your virtue, however, will be rewarded, although you may not see the results of it immediately. That’s fine with you, though — you take so much pleasure in the work that the rewards are almost immaterial.
Plan a party. Your hosting skills are top-notch these days! From a lunch date with a bunch of coworkers to a cocktail party at your home, organizing social gatherings will do you a world of good.
Right now, your differences, not your similarities, are the things that will help produce a better relationship, so savor the clash of personalities. See where it gives you new opportunities in this situation.
Do you really need excitement to be productive? If the answer is yes then start generating some. You’ll have to take the initiative because the universe has other things on its mind. Put some creativity into it, too. Don’t rely on the old standby of financial fantasies.