Leo Daily Forecast

The activities throughout the day will create a lot of different possibilities, and it might be hard to decide which one you want to explore. You have so few things limiting your options, and that is a blessing, but it’s also a burden. For the first time in a long while, you don’t need to ask anyone’s permission for what you do. There’s no resistance to work against. You’ll end up a winner any way you choose as long as you choose with conviction.
The key to romantic success right now isn’t to knock them out. Instead of living large — even with that energy — you need to draw that hottie out and learn more about them. They’re sure to find you fascinating.
Questioning is just part of the process for you when it comes to a relationship. It’s a way to explore and evolve together. Just remember that your certain someone may need some reassurance along the way.
Being unrealistic is fine when it comes to daydreams of wealth, but not when it comes to actually handling your money. Lofty thoughts won’t help you, especially when you let them crowd out common sense. So come back down to earth early in the day to handle reality, even if it feels like drudgery.