Leo Daily Forecast

Your intuitive feelings are definitely helpful in many life situations, but right now they might be distracting you from focusing on one important project or relationship. Constantly checking in with yourself about how you’re feeling about this, that, or the other thing is a waste of your energy, and you’re going to need a lot of energy today! Turn off the spigot of your subconscious and just keep your mind focused on the task at hand. You’ll be glad you did.
Keep any romantic communications brief today. Less is more, while verbosity could bring a better chance of being misunderstood. Leave them wanting more!
Yes, you and your partner have some tough choices to make. Dithering over it won’t make it easier, though. Do it quickly, like ripping off a bandage, and you’ll recover much more quickly.
Low budgets bring out the worst in some people. Some feel they deserve more than their new, smaller slice of the pie, while others demand seconds. Take a step back and watch the display, but don’t mimic it.