Libra Daily Forecast
Each and every word you utter right now has a solid, grounded tone to it. So when you’re asked for your opinion (and even if you’re not), you’ll be more than happy to give it. Everyone’s ears are wide open and waiting for your words of wisdom. If they disagree, they certainly won’t utter their dissention. Use your verbal momentum to elicit change today.
You are consumed by thoughts of this other person today. Everything that happens to you and everything that anyone says reminds you of you-know-who. You’re positively obsessed. It’s adorable.
Frankly, you think you’re getting short shrift in this relationship. If you reexamine these events with a new attitude, does that still seem true? Initial appearances can be deceiving.
Money issues just refuse to die. You have to deal with them over and over again until you find their particular silver bullet. You’re in luck, because you’ll find today’s the moment you start feeling sentimental or weird.