Daily Forecast Libra 02-20


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This is going to be interesting. You’re feeling restless, and the subterranean shifts you’ve been surfing for the past several months are starting to come to the surface. It’s time to make some serious changes in your life, and you know exactly where to start, don’t you? As usual, you’ll begin at the bottom and work your way up. Just let your loved ones know the news as gently as possible. They might not be prepared for this.

Singles Lovescope

Your mind is busy trying to untangle this latest romantic snarl, but in the meantime, your heart wants to have its say. This may happen in the form of a friend who just has to share an opinion. Why not listen?

Couple Lovescope

Mind your P’s and Q’s, or your sweetheart might mind them for you. Your straightforward energy is great for a lot of things, but it might not work as well when someone’s in a more delicate frame of mind.


You honestly don’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers. But whenever money is involved, there’s a chance of doing just that, especially where nest eggs are concerned. Being extra sensitive to the emotional direction the conversation is going is your best defense against hurt feelings, never mind the money.


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