Libra Daily Forecast

An old friendship might be moving into a new phase. Someone from your past could be back on the scene and looking for some helpful insight from you. This opportunity to get involved in their life is going to bring a smile to your face. Their unique view of the world is something you’ve been missing for a while, and it’s a wonderful feeling to have it back again. People come and go in life. Celebrate it when someone returns!
Do your actions reflect your true feelings? You really care about how other people view you. Make sure you are putting your best foot forward at all times.
You’re pretty good at reading your partner’s signals, but lately they’ve been confusing. If you’re having trouble reading between the lines, you might need to try the direct approach and ask them what’s up.
You are in a certifiable funk. If nothing else gets you going, consider getting up and out an obligation to your family. You wouldn’t let yourself off the hook about financial obligations, and you should treat this just as seriously.