Daily Forecast Libra 05-04


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Ready or not, you’re entering an indecisive phase and picking the next project, romantic partner, or job opportunity is going to be a bit tough. There are so many good points to all of your options! But being confused isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You should see it as an opportunity to learn how to appreciate all the options on the table. Enjoy the luxury of being able to process many ideas before committing to one solution.

Singles Lovescope

You’ve got the right kind of energy to engage perfectly with the world, but you’re happiest when you balance it out with some quiet time for emotional recharging. Make a plan and stick to it.

Couple Lovescope

You’ve got the energy to take on whatever today brings and still have some left for romancing your honey. Try to get all the boring stuff out of the way early so can you get right to the good parts!


Keep an open mind about how well you did. It would have taken a small miracle to come out of the last year unscathed. You’ve lived to tell the tale, and that deserves at least a pat on the back.



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