Libra Daily Forecast

The people you deal with every day seem less than cooperative for some reason today, especially when it comes to perspective or point of view. You’re smart enough to consider at least trying to temper your rhetoric with a wee bit of diplomacy, as long as everyone else is willing to give a little. If they don’t, you just have to step on some toes. Do what you must to get things done.
What people may think of you is foremost on your mind, but does it have to be? Relax and be yourself, rather than trying to project a false image. Talk about what’s most important and let them know what you think.
Now is the perfect time to express your affection in a fun way. It can be almost anything, and your partner will most likely return the feelings with vigor. Your connection is getting stronger.
It’s time to come down a few pegs. If you have to assist someone else in making the big bucks, then so be it. Remind yourself that your goals for now are very short term, just enough to see yourself through.