Daily Forecast Libra 06-07


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

The activities of all your friends or co-workers could be extremely distracting for you today. You’ve got some work you want to take care of, but everyone else just wants to goof off and have a good time! Watch out for these people to start begging you to join in. It will be difficult to resist them, but resist them you must. Tell them you’ll be more than happy to kick back with them later, but today you have to prioritize things. Be stern and they’ll back off.

Singles Lovescope

This isn’t a race to the altar, though it seems like it sometimes. Even if your feelings for someone special are growing, don’t act on them yet. Give yourself time to think things through before jumping the gun on romance.

Couple Lovescope

An especially thoughtful or emotional mood leads you to speak about what’s on your mind. Do so with tact and directness. Your partner will appreciate it.


Are you in a hurry to make a buck or in a hurry to spend it? You have to take your time. Some things can’t be rushed, and credit cards are only poor substitutes for the real thing.



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