Libra Daily Forecast
Your intellectual and verbal skills are always sharp to say the very least. But at the moment, you should probably paste a warning label on your forehead warning anyone foolish enough to challenge you to a debate to back out while they still can. Once you’ve issued your disclaimer, though, if they’re not bright enough to step away from the situation, don’t feel bad about it. You can only do so much.
You’ve been speeding ahead in the realm of romance, but now the cosmos is giving you a red light. Don’t run it. A moving violation of the heart isn’t what you need now.
If you’re trying to have a big relationship discussion and your partner can’t give you a straight answer, don’t be alarmed. Give them some time. Things will go more smoothly later.
You have a fire under you, and it’s not exactly made of inspiration and excitement. But even though ambition isn’t what’s fueling you, you can still make the most of your new high energy.