Daily Forecast Libra 12-15


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Keep an eagle eye out for any unfamiliar phone numbers or email addresses today, and save them for later. One of them will represent a person or organization that could be the start of something major for your future. Building connections with other people and other groups should be a big priority for you right now, and the good news is that it won’t be difficult — you’re feeling social and open to unusual experiences, which makes you ready to widen your horizons.

Singles Lovescope

You’re somewhat behind on bills or whatnot, and those social engagements might fly right out the window. For now, spend a little extra time catching up on details. By tonight, expect everything to fall right into place.

Couple Lovescope

Old issues have a way of popping back up. Are you ready to deal with them once and for all? It might not be easy, but settling things now will mean good things for your relationship in the long run.


Money has done it to you again. Your emotions aren’t raw, exactly, but they’re not ones you’d care to wear on your sleeve. Start licking your wounds now because a big social obligation is around the bend and you’ll want to be well before you’re before an audience again.



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