Pisces Daily Forecast
Is there too much happening around you right now or not enough? You could be vacillating between bored out of your skull and utterly overstimulated today, which could drive the people around you a bit nuts. But despite their frustration with your unpredictability, they love it at the same time. So just embrace your pendulum-like mood swings and don’t feel like you have to hide your emotions. You should go from tears to laughter without hesitation.
Keep secrets to yourself. Though it’s tempting to spill the beans to coworkers or a current crush, you may end up ruining the trust between you and a close pal. Gossiping has serious consequences you might not be ready for.
You’ve got energy to make today something really special. You may need to give your honey a little encouragement, but once they’re up, they’ll match you move for move.
It’s not the right time to make an important decision. There’s too much fluctuation in your thinking to land on the right square. Wait until the dual outcomes merge into one vision before you put your money down.