Daily Forecast Pisces 02-10


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone thinks that you’re a pushover, and boy, are they in for a big surprise! As soon as you flex your muscles and tell them what time it is, they’ll stop seeing you as a doormat and start seeing you as a force to be reckoned with. It’s time to stop playing nicey-nice and start getting stuff done. The time for handholding is over, and they’ve proven they don’t deserve your flexibility anymore. Don’t be afraid to be blunt and commanding.

Singles Lovescope

Tonight, shake off anything work related and spend time daydreaming about the future. Think about what you want from your life and who you want to share it with. Visualization is the first step toward making dreams come true.

Couple Lovescope

If you’re not sure what your partner is asking of you, don’t be afraid to get some clarification. People have different styles of communication, and it’s better to ask questions than to make assumptions.


It may happen a bit early in the day, but that nagging voice in your head is telling you that the week is over. There’s just no more money to be made, so spend your time on more valuable pursuits, like socializing.



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