Pisces Daily Forecast

Today, an average exchange of ideas could generate a sublime experience in your life, so be open to talking to anyone at any time. During an everyday e-mail, text, or voicemail, you should try to get a little bit more creative. Add a dash or two of your special wit and you’ll inspire other people to do the same. Express yourself honestly and show everyone you encounter today just how unique you are. Don’t be afraid to raise a few eyebrows.
Tired doesn’t even begin to describe how you feel. Wiped out and ready for a yearlong nap, you obviously need a break. Before you fall asleep at your desk, request a few days off to relax and refresh.
Maybe your baby has been getting a little big for their britches. Maybe they think they’re the only ones wearing the pants in this relationship! Correct their mistake. Gently.
Old issues are coming back to haunt you. Funny how that happens the moment you’re feeling depressed or out of balance. Don’t fall back on your old form of therapy. Keep the credit cards safely tucked away.