Pisces Daily Forecast

Telling the truth isn’t just second nature to you; it’s really more like an innate reaction that doubles when official business is involved. Regardless of how anxiously you’re awaiting someone’s answer to a tender question, you won’t be willing to tone it down or take it back, not even a touch, not even if you know they’d prefer you hadn’t started a major ball rolling with the powers that be. Oh, well. Respect is the glue that holds any relationship together.
Others move at the pace they feel is right, so don’t rush anyone into decisions they might later regret (and resent you for). Give everyone the chance to catch up with you — they’re grateful for your patience.
Planning is in your blood. You can, however, get carried away occasionally. Your partner admires your organizational abilities, but they have an idea or two that might work well. Ask for their input.
You need to do something to make things right, that much you know. You’re tempted to spend the day grappling with money issues, but your real problems go back much further. They involve karma, so start planning your way out through good deeds that involve parting with your cash.