Daily Forecast Pisces 04-15


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Over the coming weeks and months, your attention could be drawn to exploring issues or experiences that have troubled you for some time. There may have been long periods when you pushed these to the back of your mind and simply got on with life. Now, however, you might feel it’s time to address them and find a way to resolve and heal them. If you feel you need help doing this, this is an excellent chance to get counseling or therapy or find another way to acknowledge and let go of such matters.

Singles Lovescope

You need a balance between romance and friends today. The thing is your social life is taking up too much mental space right now. Don’t give in to the same old, same old. Force yourself to make new connections. Take care of your romantic needs first today.

Couple Lovescope

You might be misreading your partner’s thoughts today, but that’s the source of the problem. You’re not a mind reader. Why not try some good old-fashioned talking instead?


Patience is not a virtue today. In fact, someone has been taking you for a long ride. You might wake up to that fact, and the result will be nothing short of a Ferdinand the Bull performance. Pity the person who thought they could get something for nothing from you.



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