Daily Forecast Pisces 05-17


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You weren’t expecting this, were you? Not even for a second. You’re usually pretty good at picking up on signals, but the mood you’ve been in lately has made it a bit too easy to slip one by you. Fortunately, this is a nice surprise, and you can certainly use some pleasant news and happy company right about now. Oh, and if you haven’t had that serious talk yet, how about this evening?

Singles Lovescope

What do you want your next relationship to look like? Your thoughts on your ideal relationship may have changed, and they now probably have a healthy dose of humor mixed in. It’s so much better now!

Couple Lovescope

Your patterns of speech are very revealing in a meaningful way. Try listening to yourself, especially when you talk to friends about your relationship. There’s a lot to be learned from your own conversations.


Grand plans are all well and good, but to accomplish them you have to plod along on a day-to-day basis just like everyone else. Stick to your regular routine today — in fact, embrace it. It’s your safest bet for getting where you ultimately want to be.



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