Pisces Daily Forecast

Try to be especially mindful of other people’s boundaries. One of the people you’ll be dealing with could be feeling quite moody, and their reactions may be unpredictable. It’s best to be careful and treat everyone with kid gloves until you know you are in safe territory. This doesn’t mean you have to walk around on eggshells all day long. It just means that you should avoid touchy subjects and polarizing discussions.
You believe the best of others, especially in romantic matters, but sometimes you’re less than completely selfless when it comes to getting what you want. Put someone else first for best results.
Money issues are never fun, but this time you might need to deal with them in a way that feels like you’re cheating yourself. That’s not how it really is. In fact, you need to hang on to as much as you can.
What good is being intellectual if you can’t put it to good use? Your brain is just begging to be used as a money making tool. If you take it seriously, other people will, too. Start by generating some of the good ideas you are famous for.