Daily Forecast Pisces 06-20


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s your duty as a good friend to tell someone you care about how you truly feel. Hate your friend’s new significant other? Tell them, tactfully, that you think they deserve better. Make it clear that this new squeeze doesn’t treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Sure, you’re putting your nose where it doesn’t belong, but the alternative scenario is simply unacceptable. Be sure to frame your criticism in the most positive light possible, and show them you’re only thinking of them.

Singles Lovescope

Balancing work and home life can feel like an impossible circus act. But you can do it with help from friends and family. Delegate tasks that you don’t need to supervise and try to have fun!

Couple Lovescope

Exercise caution when it comes to your relationship, no matter how eager the two of you are to take the next step. Communication can easily get snarled today, and you’ll want to sidestep any potential misunderstandings.


If only you were as much a money magnet as you are a human magnet. It doesn’t come without effort, but there are many ways to make good use of being a people person. Include money in your vision of your persona and it will slowly incorporate itself into your life.



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