Daily Forecast Pisces 07-02


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’ve always been the objective type, far more prone to look to facts and figures than anything that even remotely resembles nostalgia. At the moment, however, you’re feeling like a regular tissue commercial, and you’re not at all shy about spouting phrases you would have made fun of not too long ago. It all comes down to just one thing: that love is, indeed, grand, and that you’re not afraid to express it.

Singles Lovescope

Do something nice for yourself that you wouldn’t normally allow. Relax for an afternoon in the sun. Get those hot shoes you’ve been dreaming of. Indulge in an expensive toy or treat yourself to a night on the town with a fancy dinner. Recharge and get ready for love!

Couple Lovescope

Trust your intuition to guide you when it comes to pleasing your loved one today. Don’t think too much about it. Just go with the flow. You’ll make a strong connection and know exactly what to do.


Money is making you nervous, but focus on the things that really make you feel secure. Socializing over a good meal, time with family and friends — these are the things that will ultimately make you happy, not the amount in your retirement account.



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