Daily Forecast Pisces 07-09


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Here’s an instant replay of recent events, the kind that aren’t quite ready for prime-time exposure. And don’t worry about inadvertently breaking some kind of rule by revealing them. You aren’t. This has nothing to do with anything indecent or naughty going on. It’s just that you’re worried and you need to find someone you can confide in, someone you know you can trust implicitly. Don’t worry. You’ll find them. Or they’ll find you.

Singles Lovescope

Some people just don’t know when to quit, so keep your boundaries intact today. A certain someone is armed with all kinds of questions, everything about your first time to your favorite position. If you’re not comfortable with the interrogation, change the subject. Otherwise, let it fly!

Couple Lovescope

Nobody’s perfect. Okay, you come pretty close, but you’re only human. That goes for your partner too. You can’t control all the elements in your lives as much as you would like.


Sit down and come up with a financial road map, again and again and again. Keep trying to make plans, even if they don’t seem to ever pan out. The alternative is to give up altogether.



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