Daily Forecast Pisces 07-23


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You have always tried to be there for your friends when they needed you, but it’s important for you to remember that you can’t fix their problems right now. You can only support them in whatever solution they come up with. Don’t react too emotionally to someone else’s life problems right now, even if you care a lot about this person. Your compassion is admirable, but you can’t let your concerns for other people distract you from finding your own happiness.

Singles Lovescope

Just because you’re meeting to go to the movies today doesn’t mean either of you should start planning your entire future together. Wait until, say, tomorrow. Then you can both go nuts!

Couple Lovescope

A fun event you were looking forward to may have to be postponed. Of course you’re disappointed. But you and your partner can still have a great time together. Dress up and head out anyway.


You don’t mind being around others — as long as they don’t expect much interaction with you. You’re looking inward today and shouldn’t let anyone distract you. You’ll find your own, personal gold mine if you look hard enough.



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