Pisces Daily Forecast

Someone who’s usually totally dependable could be acting a little flighty today, but you shouldn’t let it cause any doubts about this person’s priorities. They are almost as good at juggling as you are, so you can still count on them to give you what you need. Don’t make assumptions about other people based on your own life. It’s only going to cause you to miss out on some wonderful surprises. Let people impress you once in a while. Expect the best and you’ll get it.
You’re all about regenerating and improving now, in your home, your perspective, and, of course, your romantic potential. Use this energy to revise your profile on dating and networking sites!
Now is the perfect time to initiate the plans you’ve been talking about. If you and your partner have been dreaming big, break it down into small steps and get started!
If you’re more into hard work than scheming, then count your blessings. Oh, and you can start counting your money, too, because taking the high road is finally starting to get you somewhere. Karma doesn’t always take a lifetime to pay off.