Pisces Daily Forecast

It’s a wistful, romantic kind of day, which is right up your alley. You can thank the stars for these wonderful feelings. They’re currently stirring up all kind of lovely trouble among your long-distance friends and lovers. So if you don’t get a call from the person you’ve been thinking about for days now, you’ll probably be moved to make one yourself. Why wait any longer? Call them.
Other aspects of your life could be cut and dried, but when it comes to romance, expect some wild flourishes and lovely growth in nearly every direction. It’s awesome in your heart, so show it through your eyes!
Try not to wallow in your memories any more than is absolutely necessary. A little nostalgia is completely natural, but too much could make your partner wonder whether you’re living in the past.
Cutting out the fat is starting to feel like losing your right arm. The decisions get harder and harder the closer they are to the bone. There’s plenty more to go, so keep a stiff upper lip and forge onward.