Pisces Daily Forecast

Any especially difficult decisions should be postponed until you know you’re looking solely at the facts. Right now, there’s a lot of exaggeration and distortion in your thinking about this matter. Wait for clarity to come in the next few days. You might be feeling a lot more than thinking right now, and this could cause a misunderstanding if you’re not careful. Emotions magnify everyone’s behavior, and you could be feeling unnecessarily paranoid.
You could get better results if you treat a first date less like a romance and more like a job interview. Reveal a little of your dating experience, promptly return calls and be yourself. You could end up getting an offer you can’t refuse.
If the details feel like they’re piling up and threatening to engulf you, and you just don’t know what to do about it, take a break! Maybe your partner can take over all those pesky details.
There is almost no place on earth unreachable these days. But that’s not how it feels to you. You’re waiting for an important communication from a distant place, and it’s as if you’re waiting on pins and needles. A bit of humor won’t really make the wait end any sooner but it just might make feel like it does. Enjoy the illusion.