Daily Forecast Pisces 12-28


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If you’re seeking a romantic relationship right now, meeting someone through work is a likely scenario. But first, find out if office romances are allowed! You can’t start flirting with them before you know that it’s okay to take things further. It’s not wise to set up expectations that won’t be fulfilled, and it could spell disaster for your relationship with your boss or co-workers. Your heart deserves to be happy, but first your job needs to be secure!

Singles Lovescope

As hokey as it sounds, a good poem can help your wooing chances. Whether you pen your own prose or recite a famous sonnet, your intended will be impressed by your love of language.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner’s remarks make you wonder. Are they promising the moon when they can’t even locate their car keys? Ambition is nice, but in moderation. They might be covering up their insecurity by overstating their case.


Lucky you, you still get to act like the group leader, even if the group is going down in flames. Do what you can to pull out of a tailspin. Think in big pictures, not details.



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