Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Talk about stress. You’ve been worried about a dear one for what seems like forever. Finally, they asked for your advice, which you happily gave. Now they’re refusing to take the advice they asked for and promised they would follow if only you would extend your level-headed, objective opinion. It’s now officially time to give up. Some dances just have to be done to be learned.
Hindsight may be 20/20, but it’s also only useful to a certain point. The (considerably blurrier) picture of the future of your love life is what you should set your sights on now. It’s far more interesting.
Speculate about what the future holds all you like, but what really counts is the present. If you have too many irons in the fire, it’s just as bad as not having any. It’s time to think about what you want to focus on.
Your possessions don’t exactly have much sex appeal. In fact, they’re bringing down your attractiveness. Start sifting through your things and jettison what’s lost its usefulness and luster. Less is more.