Sagittarius Daily Forecast

It’s too easy (and tempting) to get involved in battles of wits today, but be careful not to let it descend to the level of playground fighting. Consider whether there’s really any point to debating or if it’s really just a way for two people to shout opinions past each other. If you feel absolutely obnoxious, work it out down at the gym. The exercise should do you lots of good.
Be on the lookout for the rebounder. Here’s your motto: one year. If they haven’t been out of that long-term relationship for at least 365 days, skip it. You’re better off passing this one up. Fantastic opportunities lie ahead, and you don’t want to miss the fun.
It’s the perfect day for honest, direct, two-way communication. Prepare yourself to hear what you’d rather not hear and say what you don’t want to say.
Is it really as bad as all that? Stop being so critical. Try to be open-minded about your new routine. You may not be riding in a limo but you’re still getting where you need to go.