Daily Forecast Sagittarius 04-29


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

When was the last time you experienced something that was truly foreign to you? Today, explore an aspect of an unfamiliar religion or culture. You should welcome with open arms the new ideas you find today. Some ideas will be too confusing to pay attention to, but quite a few will be intriguing enough to warrant a greater portion of your time in the future. And a couple of them could change your life. Today is a day to make plans and aim high.

Singles Lovescope

Today you believe in fate and destiny. Maybe you haven’t had a lot of luck lately when it comes to love, but that’s about to change.

Couple Lovescope

You can enjoy this moment by fully relaxing into it. Yes, it’s hard not to want to speed up and ride this momentum, but you and your partner need to slow it down instead. Put your feet up. Enjoy the view.


Hunching over your work presents the wrong image. You can crunch the numbers without looking like Ebenezer Scrooge. Send a strong signal that you’re not overwhelmed by the details you’re attending to.



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