Daily Forecast Sagittarius 05-10


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

‘A dream is a wish your heart makes’ isn’t just a line from a song — it’s also quite true. And whether that dream happens while you’re awake or asleep doesn’t matter, as long as you make it come true. The good news is you’re about to find out how simple it will be to do just that. Pay attention to the subtle signals the universe sends your way — and think of them as signposts.

Singles Lovescope

The emphasis is shifting from the creative to the analytical about now, but during the transition time today you’ve got both right brain and left brain going strong. Get your heart involved and see what happens!

Couple Lovescope

A tempest in a teapot can be a lot of fun as long as you remember that it’s a ride, not the end of the world. In fact, all this hubbub reminds you that things have been too quiet between you two lately.


If your money making plans went any slower, they’d be going backwards, and that’s not at all outlandish. In fact, you could be piling up some debts as you read this. Check your accounts.



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